Chicken pho is an attractive suggestion for a nutritious breakfast. The high-seasoned broth with the aroma of herbal spices along with soft white rice noodles, fragrant fresh onions and golden, rich chicken has created a harmonious whole from color to flavor for the dish.

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Ingredients for 4-5 people

Chicken bones: 1kg

Chicken: 1.2kg-1.5kg

Pho cake: 1kg

Onions: 2 pieces

Shallots: 5 pieces

Ginger: 1 piece

Ground turmeric

Chicken seasoning powder

Cinnamon, star anise, cardamom

Coriander seeds

Black pepper


Products included in the recipe

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Prepare ingredients

  • Rub salt evenly all over the surface of the chicken and then rinse with clean water.
  • Chicken bones are washed with water, drained.
  • Onions, shallots peeled, washed. Wash the ginger with water.
  • Scallion cleaned and finely chopped. Thinly sliced ​​onions.

Boil chicken and cook pho broth

  • Marinate the chicken with 2 tablespoons of ground turmeric for about 10 minutes. Then, put the chicken bones, whole chicken, onion and ginger into a pot and cook over medium heat.
  • Aromatic roasted anise, cinnamon, cardamom, cilantro seeds, pepper and then put in a cloth bag. Put the aromatic seasoning bag in the pot with the chicken and chicken bones.
  • After about 25-30 minutes, lightly skewer the chicken with chopsticks to check for doneness. Once the chicken is soft, put it in a bowl of ice water right away to keep the skin crispy and the chicken white.
  • When the chicken has cooled, proceed to tear it into bite-sized pieces. The chicken bones in the pot of broth continue to cook.
  • Season the broth to taste, cook for another 40-60 minutes to meet the requirements.

Present and enjoy

  • Arrange the vermicelli in a bowl, along with chicken, scallions, onions, broth, and enjoy.