Beef noodle soup is a popular dish, loved by many people because of its soft and fragrant beef, crispy noodles, and the irresistible flavor of delicious broth. With the simple recipe below, anyone can prepare this dish for their loved ones to enjoy.

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Ingredients for 4-5 people

Products included in the recipe

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Prepare ingredients

  • Grill ginger, dried onion, sugar cane, and onion in a pan over medium heat until fragrant.
  • Then, the onions and ginger are removed, peeled, washed, and stamped. Onions cleaned, halved, or cut into 4 pieces.
  • Roast cardamom, star anise, cinnamon, and coriander seeds until fragrant.
  • Bones are washed and cut into pieces. Put the bones and encrusted meat in a pot, cover with water, add a little salt and bring to a boil. When the water boils, reduce the heat to low and cook for about 2 more minutes.

Cook pho broth

  • After that, remove the bones and meat and wash them with water. Next, put the bones and meat in a pot along with 5 bowls of water, bring to a boil. When the water boils, skim frequently to keep the water clear.
  • Put the prepared flavorings including onion, ginger, sugarcane, coriander root, cardamom, cinnamon stick, star anise, coriander seed into the pot of bone broth, season with a little salt or seasoning.
  • Stew for about 2 hours on low heat, When the beef is cooked, take it out and soak it in boiled water to cool and then cut it into thin slices.

Finish the dish and enjoy

  • Re-season the pot of stew to suit the taste of the cook. Blanch pho in boiling water. Arrange noodles, meat and vegetables in bowls, fill with broth and enjoy.