Grilled fish with galangal and batch is an attractive dish loved by many people. The soft and chewy fish meat, along with the high-seasoned from galangal, batch and many other spices have created the dish an irresistible attraction. Let's show off our talent in making this dish with UniMall!

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Video tutorial

Ingredients for 3-4 people



Prepare and marinate fish

  • Wash fish, drain, and filet fish meat. Slice the fish filets into alternating squares so that the fish can absorb the spices evenly.
  • Marinate the fish with 100g of ground galangal, 2.5 tablespoons of galangal powder, ginger powder, 1.5 tablespoons of chicken seasoning powder, 1 tablespoon of black pepper powder, 1.5 tablespoons of ground turmeric, 1.5 tablespoons of crushed chili flakes, 1 tablespoon of shrimp paste, 1.5 tablespoons batch and 4.5 tablespoons cooking oil for 30 minutes.

Grill the fish

  • Bake fish at 200 degrees for 40 minutes. About 15 minutes turn the
  • fish once so that the fish is cooked evenly on both sides.

Present and enjoy

  • The fish is cooked on a plate, served with vermicelli, and raw vegetables, and can be used with beer.