Orange cinnamon honey tea is always on the top of the popular weight loss teas. Using orange cinnamon honey tea daily brings many benefits to health, beauty and a comfortable spirit to work.

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 Ingredients for 1 person

  • 3-4 cinnamon

  • 1 orange or 5g dried orange peel

  • 5-7 spoons of honey

Products included in the recipe



Squeeze orange juice

  • Oranges are washed, cut into thin slices for decoration. The rest of the orange squeeze out the water set aside. Note that you should choose a succulent fresh orange, with a moderate sweetness, and a beautiful yellow skin.


Get essential oil from cinnamon 

  • Pre-washed cinnamon. Use a small pot to cover the cinnamon with water and heat for about 2-3 minutes to let the cinnamon release its essential oil.

  • When the water turns brown, take out the cinnamon.


Make honey cinnamon orange tea

  • Pour cinnamon juice into the orange juice, add honey according to taste.

  • You can add ice if you want to drink cold.