
The group of spices to create the smell of all delicious dishes

To create a flavor for a delicious dish, the cook will often combine many spices, in which, flavoring spices are indispensable. With a variety from powder, tubers to other spices, in this article UniMall will tell you how to use seasonings to create the right flavor when cooking.

The role of flavoring spices in processing

Flavoring spices play an important role to make the taste of dishes more complete and attractive. Besides flavoring seasonings (sour, spicy, salty, sweet, bitter), flavorings are often used to remove unwanted flavors from raw foods (odours of chicken, duck, fish, beef, pork, seafood). Not only that, but the dish will also have a more attractive aroma when using the right flavoring seasoning and suitable for each type of food and each dish.

herbs and spices

Most of the flavorings mentioned below are herbal seasonings, which in themselves contain many healthful nutritional values. The dish, when combined with many herbs and spices, is not only more delicious but also adds many beneficial nutrients to the body.

Black pepper

With the mildest spicy and aromatic characteristic of all peppers, black pepper is often used to increase the warm spicy taste and eliminate the fishy smell of the ingredients. The active ingredient piperine is the factor that creates the spicy taste of black pepper, has the effect of disinfecting and eliminating toxins from the body.

black pepper

Black pepper goes well with many dishes. Braised dishes thanks to pepper have an attractive and irresistible spicy taste. Soups and stews when adding pepper will have a faintly spicy scent of essential oil from pepper, thereby bringing a feeling of warmth and more deliciousness for people to enjoy.

Shallot, garlic

When used, in order to take advantage of the many essential oils of garlic, people often smash, pound, and mince. However, in order to save preparation time as well as make garlic easier to absorb into food, many people tend to use garlic powder in processing.

garlic powder

As for onions, you just need to cut them into thin slices or mince them and they can be used for most dishes or marinades. When boiling pork, a few purple onions along with a little vinegar will help the meat have a richer and sweeter taste.

Ground turmeric 

Not only known as a wonderful coloring spice, but turmeric can also be used to season many dishes. Dishes cooked with ground turmeric have a faint scent, creating a delicious feeling when enjoying. In particular, ground turmeric is very suitable for fish dishes, because the essential oil from turmeric can effectively remove the fishy smell of fish.

Galangal, lemongrass

Galangal root is a fairly common spice in cooking. This is the main condiment in Thai hot pot dishes, satay, meat marinade, etc. Meanwhile, lemongrass is known as an indispensable ingredient for grilled dishes and braised dishes.

Galangal and galangal powder

For most braised dishes, galangal is usually grated, then pounded. To save preparation time, you can choose galangal powder when processing. Lemongrass is used more flexibly, you can use lemongrass to smash when steaming, baking, or lemongrass powder when cooking stir-fried dishes, stocking so that the ingredients are easier to absorb.

Star anise, cardamom, cinnamon 

star anise, cardamom, cinnamon

The beef broth will not be able to have the characteristic aroma inherent without star anise, cardamom, or cinnamon. Today, instead of searching for each of the above individual ingredients, you can easily buy seasoning packages for beef Pho seasoning or Hue beef noodle soup. Just add these complete spices to the pot of broth when cooking, and you will have a perfect pot of broth right away.

Hopefully, the above article has provided much useful information for readers on how to use spices to create delicious and nutritious meals. For those who want to buy the above spices for their family's use, do not forget to visit Unimall's website to be able to own a line of quality and safe spices for health.

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