
How to use clove powder for cooking. Suggest some delicious dishes cooked with clove powder

Clove powder is a familiar spice in the kitchens of many families, restaurants, and large hotels. The sweet and spicy taste, and the characteristic aroma of clove powder, are very suitable to enhance the flavor of various dishes and drinks. In this article, UniMall will learn with readers how to use clove powder to cook, along with a few suggestions for delicious dishes cooked with clove powder that everyone should once. Let's find out now!

Uses of clove powder in cooking

Thanks to its sweet and spicy taste and characteristic aroma, clove powder can be used to enhance the taste of some dishes such as salads, and cakes,... Clove powder is also one of the indispensable ingredients in cooking. The recipe for mixing five flavors, some dishes have a strong taste such as pho, BBQ, curry,... Besides, due to its hot and warm characteristics and sweet aftertaste, clove powder can be combined. with licorice, cinnamon, star anise, vanilla, ... to enhance the flavor of the drinks.

Suggest some delicious dishes cooked with clove powder

  • Chicken with almond sauce

If you are stuck with ideas for dinner tonight, don't miss the almond chicken dish. The chicken is soft and fragrant, mixed with rich water, fatty almonds, and a warm aroma that will surely make the whole family fall in love. In particular, the dish has a combination of many herbal spices such as clove powder, cinnamon powder, black pepper, ginger, garlic, and coriander powder, ... not only creating an attractive taste but also increasing the flavor. add nutritional value to the dish. Don't forget to save this dish to show off your talents and enjoy it with the whole family.

  • Marinated chicken with pilot salt

If chicken is "true love" for you, then you should definitely not ignore the salt-brewed chicken with pilot salt. The secret to creating a delicious, attractive flavor for this dish lies in the seasoning part. It is a harmonious combination of spices such as pink salt, ginger, lemongrass, chili, black pepper, clove powder, and navigator. After steaming, the chicken has an extremely rich flavor and when the chicken fat is secreted, it will make the chicken taste greasy, crispy, and fragrant, when eaten, it will not be sick. Enjoying the combo of chicken with salt and pepper, eaten with laksa leaves will definitely make you hard to resist.

  • Satay noodle soup

This is a dish originating from China, with a very attractive characteristic flavor, so it is very suitable for refreshing family meals. The noodle broth is cooked mainly from beef bones, has a thick yellow color, and brings up the aroma of many different spices such as clove powder, cinnamon, star anise, garlic, lemongrass, chili, satay,... This is also the point that makes this dish different from other noodle dishes. To balance the taste, satay noodle soup is also served with some vegetables such as cucumber, basil, raw bean sprouts, scallions,... when enjoying.

  • Braised pork leg

Pork leg meat has long been considered a nutritious food for health thanks to its rich source of nutrients. In addition to dishes such as stewed pork leg with five spices, and braised pork leg with pepper, have you ever tried Chinese braised pork leg? When enjoying the dish, you can feel the rich taste of pork leg meat mixed in the fragrant, greasy braised sauce with the taste of fresh coconut water. Try your hand at the kitchen with this dish to treat the whole family.

Hopefully, the above article has helped readers have more ideas to refresh the menu for daily meals. Do not forget to use clove powder when cooking to bring your family delicious and nutritious dishes.

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