
Suggested recipes for dishes made from cardamom that are very tasty

The dishes made from cardamom all have an attractive aroma and characteristic taste, especially having a very good health-promoting effect. In this article, UniMall will suggest to you a few delicious and nutritious dishes from cardamom to enrich family meals. Let's discover together now!

Cardamom stewed pork ribs


400g pork ribs

80g lotus root

80g tapioca

80g carrots

2 cardamom

1 teaspoon goji berry

Black pepper, pork seasoning powder

Green onion, coriander, chili pepper, salt


Step 1: Prepare ingredients

Pork ribs are washed with dilute salt water, cut into bite-sized pieces, blanched in boiling water, and then rinsed with cold water to clean the residue on the ribs.

Lotus root, tapioca, and carrot clean the skin, wash, dry, and cut into bite-sized pieces.

Scallions, coriander, chili washed. Sliced ​​green onions, thinly sliced ​​chili.

Step 2: Stew pork ribs

Stew pork ribs with about 1 liter of water. When the water boils, add the cardamom to the casserole and add 1 teaspoon of salt. Simmer for about 1 hour over medium heat until the pork chops are tender.

Next, put the lotus root, carrot, tapioca root, and goji berry into the pot, and simmer on low heat for about 15 minutes until the vegetables are cooked. Season to taste with ½ teaspoon salt, ½ teaspoon pork seasoning powder, and ½ teaspoon ground pepper to taste.

Step 3: Present and enjoy

Put the cardamom stewed pork ribs in a bowl, garnish with scallions, coriander and chili and enjoy. This dish can be served with rice or vermicelli, served while still hot.

Five-spice stewed pork leg


700g pork leg meat

2 cinnamon 

1 cardamom

3-4 star anise 

2 bay leaves

1 small ginger

Black pepper powder

Garlic, purple onion

Soy sauce, white sugar, seasoning


Step 1: Prepare pork leg

Pork legs are washed, cut into bite-sized pieces, blanched with boiling water for about 2-3 minutes, then rinsed with water to remove dirt.

Marinate pork leg with 1 teaspoon seasoning, 2 tablespoons soy sauce, and ½ teaspoon pepper, and marinate for about 15 minutes to infuse spices.

Step 2: Prepare aromatic spices

Peeled onion and garlic. Ginger, garlic, cinnamon, cardamom, star anise, bay leaf washed, fragrant roasted in a hot pan.

Step 3: Stew pork leg

Put 1 tablespoon of sugar in a pot, cook until the sugar turns the color of cockroach wings, then add the pork leg and stir for 4-5 minutes.

Pour water to cover the legs, add aromatic spices to the pot and bring to a boil. When the water boils, lower the heat to low, stew until the pork leg is soft and the broth is thick, then turn off the heat.

Step 4: Present and enjoy

Put the stewed pork leg into a bowl. Sprinkle a little more pepper, garnish with green onions and coriander to make it eye-catching and enjoy with hot rice.

Pickled beef with fish sauce


500g of beef

Cinnamon, star anise, cardamom, ginger, garlic, chili

Vinegar, sugar, fish sauce

Glass bottle


Step 1: Prepare ingredients

Wash the beef with water. Then, use 1 crushed ginger root with salt to rub on the entire surface of the beef to deodorize, then rinse with water and dry.

Peel the garlic, and wash it with ginger and chili. Cinnamon, star anise, and cardamom were washed and drained.

Step 2: Boil beef

Prepare the pot, put the beef with star anise, cinnamon, cardamom, and crushed ginger into the pot. Cover the beef with water, add ½ teaspoon of salt, and cook until the meat is tender. Skim often when boiling.

When the beef is tender, take it out and soak it in cold water to make the meat white and crispy.

Step 3: Make the fish sauce

Prepare the mixture: 1 bowl of sugar, 1 bowl of fish sauce, ½ bowl of vinegar, thinly sliced ​​garlic, crushed ginger, and chili. Mix the mixture well and cook with low heat until the spices are combined, then turn off the heat and let it cool.

Step 4: Soak beef with fish sauce

Clean the glass jar with boiling water, wipe clean and drain.

Put the beef in the jar, then pour the cooled fish sauce mixture into the beef. Leave the jar of beef soaked with fish sauce at room temperature for about 3 days to be able to use it. Store in the refrigerator for later use.

With the suggestions above, I hope you have more ideas when cooking to treat the whole family with delicious and attractive dishes from cardamom.

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