
Tea and Coffee: Which beverage is healthier?

Tea is the second most widely consumed beverage after water, while coffee also enjoys popularity in many parts of the world. Both tea and coffee have been shown to have various physical and mental health benefits. So, between tea and coffee, which is the healthier choice? Let's explore this in this article.

Differences between tea and coffee

Caffeine content

Both tea and coffee contain caffeine, a central nervous system stimulant that enhances alertness and wards off fatigue. Coffee generally contains more caffeine than tea. A cup of coffee can contain as much as 90 to 100 mg of caffeine, which can vary depending on the type of coffee, its roasting level, brewing method, and serving size.

Similarly, different types of teas have varying caffeine levels. Strong teas like black or green tea typically contain around 70 to 90 mg of caffeine, while herbal teas made from flowers, fruits, stems, and roots of plants other than tea leaves are nearly caffeine-free.


Antioxidants are compounds that protect the body against free radicals, thereby reducing the risk of chronic diseases, including cancer. Both tea and coffee contain substantial amounts of antioxidants, mainly polyphenols, which contribute to the flavor and nutritional value of these popular beverages.

While tea primarily contains theaflavins, thearubigins, and catechins as its main antioxidants, coffee is rich in flavonoids and chlorogenic acids. Research suggests that these antioxidants can inhibit the growth of cancer cells, including those associated with lung, colon, liver, and digestive tract cancers. Moreover, these compounds have anti-inflammatory, immune-boosting, anti-aging, and overall health-improving properties.

Which is better for your health: Tea or Coffee?

When consumed in moderation, both tea and coffee are safe and beneficial for health. This is due to their rich content of antioxidants, caffeine, and other beneficial compounds. For those seeking a quick energy boost, coffee is a suitable choice. However, excessive caffeine intake can lead to anxiety and disrupt sleep quality. Additionally, caffeine can be addictive when the brain becomes accustomed to its stimulating effects.

On the other hand, tea is a safer option for those who are sensitive to or cannot tolerate high caffeine levels. In addition to caffeine, tea also contains L-theanine, an amino acid with calming and relaxing effects that counterbalance the stimulating effects of caffeine.

Healthy ways to enjoy tea and coffee

  • Substitute full-fat milk with low-fat milk to reduce calorie and fat intake.

  • Limit the addition of sugar or artificial sweeteners to tea and coffee, as long-term consumption may have adverse health effects.

  • Adding cocoa powder to coffee can enhance flavor and provide additional antioxidants.

  • Adding lemon to tea can increase the concentration of antioxidants.

In conclusion, both tea and coffee are healthy beverages when consumed in moderation. Beyond the information provided here, UniMall offers a variety of high-quality, delicious teas and coffees from reputable brands at very reasonable prices. For more details, please visit their website:

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