
The medicinal uses of cloves everyone should know

In addition to its use as a cooking spice, cloves have long been known as a valuable medicine, capable of effective treatment. Invite readers to learn more about the medicinal uses of cloves through the article below.

  • Cloves help relieve stress

Prolonged stress and fatigue can cause negative effects on the body such as increased blood pressure, fatigue, and pain in organs,... To eliminate stress, choosing cloves is also considered an effective solution. Using essential oil from cloves is very effective in reducing stress and mental fatigue. The aroma from this essential oil will help your mind relax more, especially good for those who often have insomnia or show signs of depression.

  • Cloves help soothe digestive problems

The components present in cloves can enhance digestive function. Therefore, cloves are often used to treat diseases related to the stomach or digestive disorders with manifestations such as flatulence, indigestion, nausea,... The combination of clove powder mixed with honey Honey to drink is effective in soothing nausea and upset stomach. In addition, clove essential oil diluted with a little coconut oil also works to soothe an upset stomach.

  • Cloves can relieve cough

A prolonged cough often occurs when the respiratory organs have not yet adapted to the change of weather. However, clove powder and salt can help you with this. Thanks to its high antibacterial properties, cloves can get rid of phlegm and bacteria that cause your cough. You just need to suck on a mixture of fine salt and clove powder, or you can chew a few clove buds to relieve cough and reduce sore throat.

  • Cloves help control diabetes

To treat diabetes, patients need to have good control of blood sugar. This is made possible through dietary changes and the use of natural herbs and spices. Which, clove is considered an effective solution for patients. The compound nigericin present in cloves can regulate blood sugar levels and improve the body's ability to produce insulin. The method is very simple, you use 6-8 cloves for braking with hot water for about 15 minutes, when the water cools down, drink it after every breakfast.

  • Cloves help relieve toothache

Dental studies have shown that cloves contain the compound eugenol, which is considered an important ingredient in the treatment of toothaches, gums, and mouth ulcers. Therefore, clove essential oil is often added to toothpaste, helping to prevent tooth decay and eliminate harmful bacteria. In addition, the scent of clove essential oil will help you get rid of bad breath. You can add a few drops of clove essential oil or a little clove powder to your daily mouthwash to freshen your breath.

  • Cloves are effective in treating joint pain

Cloves are an effective natural solution in reducing joint pain - a fairly common disease today. The joint pain will be significantly reduced if you combine cloves, cinnamon, and ginger soaked with white wine for about 7 days for regular massage. Besides, you can crush a mixture of cloves, cinnamon, and ginger and apply it to the sore spot for a few days to see a noticeable effect.

Hopefully, the last article has brought you useful information about the therapeutic uses of cloves. Do not forget to use cloves every day in sufficient quantity to improve health.

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