
Uses of cardamom in cuisine

Cardamom is a spice with a strong aroma, hot spicy taste, and sweet aftertaste, so it is commonly used in cuisine. In particular, dishes with cardamom ingredients bring many health benefits. In this article, please read with UniMall to learn about the use of cardamom in cuisine!

Cardamom used to cook Pho

Pho is a traditional dish of Vietnam, imbued with the culinary culture of the Vietnamese people. In order to cook a delicious bowl of Pho, the pho broth decides up to 70%. Therefore, this is the main concern of the cook. Besides familiar spices such as ginger, purple onion, and grilled onion, pho broth cannot lack cardamom and other herbal spices such as cinnamon, star anise, coriander seeds, and cloves.

When using cardamom to cook Pho, people usually bake the cardamom until the skin is scorched, remove the skin and only remove the seeds inside. Cardamom seeds will be roasted with other herbs and spices, then pounded, placed in a bag, and then dropped into a pot of broth. Similar to anise, cardamom has a characteristic pungent taste but a sweet aftertaste, making the pho broth richer and more stimulating to the taste buds.

Cardamom is used to cook stewed dishes 

Not only used to cook Pho but cardamom can also be used as a spice in many stews and stews with the main ingredients being chicken, beef, and ribs,... The pungent taste and scent of cardamom It will make the dishes more delicious and attractive.

Cardamom used to make tea

Health benefits of cardamom tea

With its rich potassium content, cardamom tea is considered a great drink for heart health. Potassium has the ability to dilate blood vessels and reduce stress on the arteries. This helps reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke. On the other hand, cardamom tea also improves blood circulation, so it can prevent the risk of diseases related to blood pressure.

When the weather changes, a cup of cardamom tea will help you warm up your body and strengthen your resistance. The pungent taste of cardamom can inhibit the growth of viruses and bacteria, helping to prevent and relieve symptoms of cough, cold, and flu,...

Drinking a cup of cardamom tea after a meal is a good habit for the digestive system. Cardamom helps promote food digestion and nutrient absorption. It is also a great drink to prevent indigestion and bloating after eating.

How to make cardamom tea


2-3 cardamom seeds

500ml filtered water

1 teaspoon honey or 1 teaspoon sugar

3 cloves, black pepper, cinnamon stick (according to taste)

How to make tea:

Step 1: Boil 500ml of filtered water.

Step 2: When the water has boiled, put the ground cardamom seeds, cloves, black pepper, and cinnamon in the pot, let it low heat and incubate for 15-20 minutes.

Step 3: Filter the tea, add honey or sugar and enjoy.

Cardamom tea has a characteristic spicy and strong taste. Therefore, when brewing, you should add a few other spices such as cloves, black pepper, and cinnamon to balance the tea flavor when enjoying.

Hopefully, through this article, readers have had more suggestions about using cardamom in their daily diet to improve the health of the whole family.