
Simple and effective ways to lose weight with cinnamon

One of the most popular weight loss methods today is taking advantage of ingredients from natural herbs, typically cinnamon. Besides being a popular spice in cooking, cinnamon is also known for its significant benefits in weight loss. To learn more specifically about the very simple and effective cinnamon weight loss secrets, please read and follow the article below.

How does cinnamon promote weight loss?

Cinnamon has many effects to help promote effective weight loss, the most prominent of which is its ability to regulate blood sugar. Studies show that high blood sugar can lead to fat storage in the body. Using cinnamon sticks can help improve the sensitivity of cells to insulin while preventing the conversion of sugar into stored fat. On the other hand, cinnamon sticks also slow down the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream after a meal, by limiting the activity of digestive enzymes.

The composition of cinnamon contains a significant amount of fiber. Thus, adding cinnamon to your daily menu will help you control your cravings. Because eating more fiber makes you fuller for longer. What's more, fiber can boost metabolism, making it possible to burn more calories.

An effective way to lose weight with cinnamon

Combine cinnamon and honey for weight loss

The combination of honey and cinnamon is very good for weight loss. Cinnamon can help boost metabolism and provide a feeling of fullness. Meanwhile, honey not only provides essential vitamins and minerals but is also effective in burning fat.

Making cinnamon and honey tea is very simple. You just need to boil cinnamon in water and add a little lemon juice and honey to taste and enjoy.

To ensure optimal weight loss effect, you should take cinnamon and honey water in the morning, about 30 minutes before breakfast to improve digestion and promote metabolism. In addition, you can use cinnamon and honey in between meals to reduce cravings, helping you limit the consumption of unhealthy foods.

Drink pure cinnamon water

Using pure cinnamon water is the simplest way to lose weight, but the effect it brings will definitely not let you down. This will be the solution for busy people who do not have much time to prepare the ingredients combined with cinnamon. Not only improving your physique, and weight, pure cinnamon water also brings many benefits to your overall health.

All you need to do is prepare 1 cinnamon stick with about 500ml water, boil over low heat for 10 minutes, let cool, and use. You can also replace it with cinnamon powder to make tea, and drink it every day after meals. In addition, using cinnamon tea before going to bed has a sedative effect, which will help you have a better sleep.

Make cinnamon apple detox

Apples are one of the indispensable ingredients in the weight loss menu of many people. The rich mineral and fiber content in apples can reduce appetite and prevent cancer. Therefore, the combination of apple and cinnamon when making detox water both helps the body to be purified and supports better weight control.

In addition to apples, a cinnamon stick, and about 500ml of water, you can prepare a few sprigs of fresh mint, sliced ​​cucumber, berries of your choice, or a few slices of citrus. Instead of using filtered water, you should use boiled and cooled cinnamon water to achieve better weight loss effects.

Losing weight with cinnamon not only helps you improve your physique or weight but also contributes to overall health to prevents many diseases. Besides using cinnamon to lose weight, you need to follow a healthy diet, combined with reasonable exercise to soon achieve the desired weight.

See more: Delicious dishes  from cinnamon everyone should try