
The secret to marinating spices for delicious dishes

Seasoning is a very important step in the preparation of dishes. The taste of the dish not only depends on the way it is prepared but is largely determined by BBQ rubs & BBQ sauces and seasoning time. But not everyone knows how to spice up delicious dishes. This article will give you many good suggestions to help you increase the "process" of your cooking, starting from seasoning.

Marinate foods in the order of salty - sweet - fragrant - spicy - odorless

Seasoning for food also needs to follow certain principles. Because, if the correct recipe, amount of ingredients, and spices are not applied, the dish still cannot have the same standard and delicious taste as professional chefs. Therefore, the dishes need to be seasoned in the correct order from salty - sweet - fragrant - odorless. Inside:

Salty taste: salt, seasoning powder, fish sauce,...

Sweet taste: sugar, monosodium glutamate, honey...

Aroma: garlic, shallot, lemongrass, pepper, wine, aromatic leaves (rosemary, star anise, cinnamon...

Spicy taste: satay, ground chili, chili,...

Odorless: cooking oil, eggs, flour...

Standard seasoning time

Whether each dish becomes delicious and attractive or not depends much on the marinating time. It is not necessary to marinate food for longer, the better it is, on the contrary, if you do not pay attention to the marinating time, some foods may become watery or dry after processing. Therefore, you need to pay attention to the marinating time of a few popular food groups:

Kinds of meat:

Large pieces of chicken and pork should be marinated for 30 minutes before cooking.

Pork, sliced or minced pork should only be marinated just before cooking and should not be left for more than 5 minutes. You can also season sliced or minced meat directly during cooking.

Kinds of seafood:

Fish dishes, in general, should be marinated for 15-20 minutes, but for fish that easily release water, it should be limited to 5-10 minutes. In addition, sea fish often have more natural saltiness than river fish, so when marinating, it is necessary to reduce the seasoning appropriately.

Shrimps with shells and thick-leaf squid need a longer marinating time, from 15-30 minutes. For peeled shrimp, just marinating for 5-10 minutes is enough or seasoning directly when cooking.

After preliminary processing, octopus should not be marinated for more than 15 minutes. Because marinating for too long will make the octopus watery, losing the rich flavor from the seasoning.

Vegetables and fruits for grilled dishes only need to be marinated for 5-10 minutes before. With other dishes such as stir-fry, stock, you can add seasoning directly during processing.

A few notes when marinating

Use the right salt

There are 2 types of salt used in cooking, which are fine salt and sea salt. Each type of salt is used for different purposes, due to the difference in size and salinity.

Sea salt is salt grains that are harvested by evaporating seawater, have not undergone deep processing, so they have a coarse, crunchy, large-grained texture. Sea salt is often used to remove odors, fishy meat, fish, seafood in general.

Refined salts are crystals of sodium chloride obtained after the stages of evaporation, cleaning, drying, and bleaching. Therefore, fine salt has fine particles, no lumps. Refined salt is also divided into iodized salt and non-iodized salt. In particular, iodized refined salt is not popular in seasoning foods, because this salt has high salinity, it is easy to make ingredients out of the water and dry during processing.

The secret to making grilled dishes more attractive

One of the secrets to making baked goods have a sweet aroma is to spread 1-2 tablespoons of honey on the surface of the ingredients before baking. Honey has a natural sweetness, combined with an extremely harmonious marinade, so it will stimulate the taste buds of the people who enjoy it more.

In addition, pear juice or apple juice can also create softness and help make barbecue dishes more delicious and attractive.

Hopefully, with the sharing of seasoning secrets, readers will bring delicious and attractive dishes to entertain family and friends. If you have questions or want to learn more about BBQ seasoning powder, please contact hotline 0356.105.899 or visit the website for support and advice.