Chicken soup is one of the delicious, nutritious dishes. It also is a favourite dish of many people. The mild sweet and fragrant soup from chicken broth, the fleshy taste of corn, mushrooms with eye-catching red color from carrots will make anyone appreciate it.

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Ingredients For 3-4 people

  • 400g chicken (chicken breast/chicken thigh)

  • Sweet corn: 2 pieces

  • Chicken eggs: 2 eggs

  • Shiitake mushrooms: 5 pieces

  • Tapioca/corn flour

  • Carrots, green onions, red onions, coriander

  • Spice: salt, sesame oil, chicken seasoning powder, black pepper

Products included in the recipe



Prepare ingredients

  • Wash chicken with diluted saltwater, take out, and drain.

  • Corn kernels, remove the core. Then rinse with water and dry.

  • Eggs separate yolks and whites put in separate bowls.

  • Shiitake mushrooms cut off the legs, soak in hot water for about 20 minutes. Then, take out the mushrooms, wash them with cold water, cut into small pieces.

  • Dissolve tapioca starch with cooled boiled water, stirring constantly until the powder dissolves.

  • Carrots are washed, diced, steamed, or boiled until cooked.

  • Onion is peeled, washed, smashed, and chopped. Scallion and coriander are washed and chopped.


Boil the chicken

  • Fill the chicken with water, cook on low heat until the chicken is tender.

  • Then take out the chicken to cool and tear into bite-sized pieces.


Boil the corn

  • Put another pot of water to boil the corn for about 10 minutes, until the corn kernels are soft. Then, take out and soak in cold water, drain. Store the corn broth and keep it separate.


Xào thịt gà với nấm hương 

  • Put the pan on the stove, add 2 tablespoons of sesame oil. When the oil is hot, add the shallots and saute until fragrant, then add the chicken, shiitake mushrooms, and carrots to the mix.

  • Then, add 1 teaspoon of salt, ½ teaspoon of chicken seasoning powder and continue to stir with your hands so that the ingredients are evenly absorbed.


Cook chicken soup

  • Put the chicken broth and corn water into the same pot and put it on the stove. At the same time, add the fried chicken, boiled corn and stir well.

  • When the water boils, reduce the heat to low, slowly add the dissolved tapioca starch into the pot, followed by the egg whites. Stir well and season to taste. Cook for about 1 minute, then turn off the heat.


Complete the chicken soup

  • Put the chicken soup in a bowl, sprinkle it with some black pepper, green onion and coriander for aroma. Enjoy while it's still hot.