
Top 6 healthy spices every family needs

Spices don't just make food more attractive in color or flavor. Many of them are also valuable medicines in the treatment and prevention of many dangerous diseases. Let's take a look at the top 6 healthy spices that every family should have through the article below.

Black pepper

Pepper is an indispensable spice to add flavor to soups, soups, stews, stir-fries, and stock. Pepper is widely used in cooking because of its spicy taste and characteristic aroma, which makes the dishes more delicious and stimulates the taste buds. Not only that, black pepper is also a natural remedy, effective in treating colds and problems related to the digestive system. Therefore, people who are suffering from sore throat, nausea, urinary tract disorders, indigestion should use pepper in their daily diet, with an adequate amount.


Garlic is widely used in cooking. Not only used to marinate foods, make sauces or enhance the taste of many delicious dishes, garlic is also known for many significant health benefits. Garlic is rich in allicin and propylene sulfide, which have antibacterial effects, so using garlic can prevent colds and relieve coughs. According to research, eating 1-2 cloves of garlic per day can prevent cancer. To make it more convenient to use, many people tend to use garlic powder when marinating and seasoning dishes.


Green onions have many health benefits, not just a spice. In green onions contain many proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, and other minerals. Especially the white onion root contains a lot of allicin, which is an antioxidant and has an effective antiseptic effect. When adding green onions to dishes, indigestion will be improved, and at the same time, increased appetite for people to enjoy.


This is a common spice in the kitchen. Ginger can be used in cooking or marinated to remove odors from food. Besides, ginger is also known for its many benefits, especially for picky eaters. Ginger has the effect of stimulating the salivary glands, gastric mucosa, promoting gastric secretion to digest food. In addition, regular use of ginger can keep the body warm and protect the stomach. Therefore, when the weather becomes colder, you should use ginger powder to make tea and use it in the morning to warm up the body and improve blood circulation. Since then, the quality of sleep is also improved.


The characteristic pungent taste of chili makes the dish more delicious, enhances the flavor, and eliminates the fishy smell of the food. That is also the reason why ground chili is often present in the composition of a few spices such as Thai hot pot seasoning, BBQ rubs for seafood, BBQ sauce for seafood, etc. In addition to its use in cooking Chili peppers are also very good for health thanks to capsaicin, which effectively relieves pain, detoxifies, reduces cholesterol,... Especially, if you are aiming to lose weight, this is a spice that can help you control your weight. weight, burn excess fat and reduce cravings.


Cinnamon is a popular spice in many recipes. Cinnamon or cinnamon powder is often used in stews, baked goods, baking, or preparing drinks. Not only that cinnamon also has many effects such as anti-inflammatory, regulating and reducing blood sugar, preventing aging, ... thanks to the abundant amount of minerals and antioxidants in cinnamon.

With 6 spices good for family health, UniMall hopes you will have more useful information when using spices and herbs in cooking or as an effective medicine.

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