
Few people know about the health benefits of ground chilli

It is not natural that chili powder has become one of the features of Indian cuisine. This spice is also widely used in many parts of the world, not only to add flavor to dishes but also because of the great benefits that chili powder brings to human health. Let's discover together now!

8 health benefits of ground chilli

  • Supports better digestion

Chili powder can increase gastric secretion, accelerate digestion and relieve constipation and flatulence. At the same time, thanks to its antibacterial and antifungal properties, this spice also has the ability to limit the activity of harmful bacteria in the intestinal tract. It is these properties that have given paprika an irreplaceable place in meals in many parts of the world, not just in India.

  • Blood pressure stable

A large amount of potassium is found in paprika. This mineral helps the body dilate blood vessels and maintain stable blood pressure. Another active ingredient, capsaicin, also has many positive effects on blood pressure and improves circulation to the body.

  • Anti-inflammatory and pain reliever

Capsaicin in paprika is also known to reduce inflammation and act as a natural pain reliever. Capsaicin can bind to nerve endings that cause pain, to reduce pain. Especially paprika helps relieve pain and inflammation in muscles and joints in the lower back.

  • Support weight loss

Improving overweight is also another use of paprika. Capsaicin has been shown to reduce appetite. Moreover, this active ingredient has thermogenic properties, so it will help metabolism work faster, burn a significant amount of calories in the body. So, remember to add chili peppers to your weight loss menu and use them in moderation every day.

  • Improve cognitive function

The iron in chili powder can increase hemoglobin production and increase blood flow. This helps the brain function optimally, improving memory, thinking and problem solving.

  • Strengthen the body's immune function and fight disease

Chili powder contains a significant amount of vitamin C, which enhances immune system function, helping the body fight infections and diseases. Vitamin C also helps reduce free radicals in the body and is known to reduce the risk of cancer.

  • Relieves stuffy nose

The change of season is the time when it is easy to get symptoms of nasal congestion due to colds or seasonal allergies. Don't worry, as paprika can help you breathe easier. Chili powder has the ability to thin the mucus that forms in the nasal passages. That's why you should add paprika to your daily diet.

  • Improve heart health

The capsaicin component found in paprika has the ability to reduce triglycerides, cholesterol, and platelet aggregation in the blood, contributing to improved heart health. Preventing the formation of blood clots is another plus point of capsaicin.

  • Beneficial for skin and hair

Chili powder contains a variety of vitamins beneficial for health, including vitamin C. Supplementing with vitamin C can help the body increase collagen production, an essential protein that is needed for skin and hair. In addition, vitamin A in paprika has the ability to maintain moisture and keep hair in the best condition.

Necessary notes when using chili powder

Use gloves and wear a mask when using chili powder to marinate food. You should mix paprika in water or sauce, the spicy taste will dissolve and won't get on your eyes and nose.

Before using paprika, you can put them in the refrigerator to reduce the spicy concentration.

Thus, adding chili powder to the daily menu is a way for you to add many beneficial nutrients and prevent the risk of diseases for the body. Want to maintain good health, using chili powder in the right amount for each meal is something you should do every day.

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