
Principles of balancing yin and yang - five elements in family meals

Since ancient times, the Vietnamese have paid great attention to the elements in the five elements related to the issue of mutuality and reciprocity in all aspects of life. In cuisine, this concept is expressed even more clearly through the combination of foods and spices, to create a harmonious whole for the meal. Join UniMall to learn more specifically about the concept of yin and yang - the five elements in the Vietnamese family meal tray through the article below.

Ensure the harmony of yin and yang of dishes

Whether on Tet holidays or daily meals, Vietnamese people cannot lack rice and soup on a tray of rice. Rice cooked from rice is the quintessence of the earth, while soup usually represents the essence of water when there is a combination of many vegetables. In the five elements, the earth belongs to the earth element, and water belongs to the water element and these are the two starting factors for the theory of the five elements.

Besides, other dishes are also made from ingredients and spices with the harmony of yin and yang and the five elements. According to the principle of reciprocity, some dishes are soldering (low heat, belonging to the water element) such as cabbage, fish, squash, etc., ginger is indispensable when processing. Since ginger is known to be a hot spice, it is often combined with the aforementioned cold dishes. Similar to ginger, other strong yang spices such as chili, black pepper... are familiar spices in fresh seafood dishes such as shrimp, squid, snail, ...

Those are a few examples of combinations in cooking that follow the harmony of yin and yang, helping to enhance the taste of food and stimulate the taste buds when enjoying more.

The harmony of yin and yang in the body

According to the concept in Eastern medicine, the imbalance of yin and yang in the body or in other words the improper use of food is the cause of disease. Therefore, in order to nourish the body for sick people to get well quickly, it is necessary to follow the yin and yang rules in the diet.

That is also the reason there are many folk remedies that are simple, but also bring certain effects. For example, use ginger, garlic to treat abdominal pain caused by bloating or cold stomach; Using turmeric to treat low blood sugar, helping to tonic blood, combined with honey can treat stomach pain...

Ensure the balance of yin and yang with the natural environment

In other words, it's the use of seasonal foods. Vietnam belongs to the hot and humid climate zone, with two distinct seasons, hot and cold, especially in the North. Therefore, choosing seasonal foods plays an important role in creating a balance between people and the environment.

The meal structure of Vietnamese people also changes with each season. In the hot summer, in the tray of rice, fresh vegetables, fruits, fish (with yin) are indispensable. When processing, families often prefer boiled, steamed, soup, mannequins, pickles, etc., which are both easy to eat and have a cooling effect. In the cold winter, Vietnamese people in the northern provinces and cities prefer foods with yang properties such as meat and animal fat to help the body fight cold. Instead of simple recipes like summer, stir-fried, braised, rimmed and fried dishes are most popular. 

The harmony and harmony of yin and yang - the five elements in the eating habits of Vietnamese people can be found in any region. Not only help to eat deliciously, this is also an effective way in disease prevention, treatment, and health maintenance for many generations.

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