
Delicious and nutritious dishes from star anise

Many people only know star anise as one of the ingredients of the five flavors, the spice that creates the typical flavor of Pho broth,... However, star anise is also an indispensable spice that contributes to creating So many other delicious and nutritious dishes. In this article, we invite you to read with UniMall to discover dishes from star anise to enrich family meals.

Braised chestnut chicken

Braised chestnut chicken is a unique and new variation of chicken that everyone should try. This dish is attractive of the tender pieces of chicken with a rich aroma, sweet chestnuts, and especially the passionate aroma of ginger, cinnamon, star anise,... extremely stimulating the taste and hearing of the user. Not only that, but chestnut braised chicken also has high nutritional value thanks to the combination of cinnamon and anise, which are folk medicines with many outstanding uses for health. Enjoying the dish with some hot rice on cold days is definitely a great experience you cannot miss.

Chicken thighs in fresh mushroom sauce

If you are looking to make your daily meal richer and more novel, try making chicken thighs with mushroom sauce combined with star anise. The chicken thighs are beautifully fried golden, mixed with mushroom sauce to bring up the attractive aroma of ginger, garlic, and star anise that will make you hard to resist. This is a dish that is simple to prepare and extremely nutritious, so anyone can show off their talents to treat the whole family.

Sichuan Spicy Hot Pot

Szechuan chicken hot pot originated in China and is one of the dishes loved by many people because of its rich taste and irresistible deliciousness. This is a famous dish with its characteristic pungent taste, with the combination of many different spices such as spicy bean paste, satay, dried chili, star anise, pepper, ginger, cinnamon, cloves, .. Dipping hot pot dishes are very diverse, you can choose from meats, seafood and vegetables depending on your taste.

Beef stew with cinnamon and star anise

Beef is a food with high nutritional value, which can be processed into many stews and stews that are both delicious and nutritious. For those who have little time to prepare and cook, beef stew with cinnamon anise is a perfect choice. This dish does not take much time to prepare, can be used for a few days, and still retains the same taste. The beef is tender and fragrant, the spicy sauce is fragrant with cinnamon, anise, and ginger, very warm to the stomach and very suitable for rainy days or cool weather. When enjoying it, you can eat it with hot rice or bread.

Taiwanese Beef Noodles

It can be said that beef noodles are one of the most famous dishes when it comes to Taiwanese cuisine. Not too focused on form, Taiwanese beef noodles conquer diners by the sophisticated taste and nutrition of the dish. The ingredients for cooking beef noodles are very simple, including noodles, beef, green vegetables, broth made from stewed beef bones, cinnamon powder, five spice blend, pepper, ginger, garlic,... When eating, you will feel Get the sweet, soft taste of beef mixed with the passionate scent, a little spicy broth, extremely stimulating the taste. Try your hand at making this dish for the whole family to enjoy.

Hopefully, the above suggestions have given you more ideas to treat your family to delicious and nutritious dishes from star anise.

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