Japanese - Korean spices

Japanese - Korean spices

Japanese - Korean spices, convenient and quick cooking tips for fans of Japanese - Korean cuisine, creating a distinct flavor

Japan - Korea are two Asian countries famous for their extremely rich and diverse cuisine, which easily conquer the palate of many people. The secret to that is the spices are processed with traditional recipes, with distinctive flavors that are hard to confuse, fully converging the culinary quintessence of each country.

At UniMall, consumers can easily find and buy Japanese - Korean standard spices from seasoning powder, soy sauce, and sauces, to cooking wine and many other condiments,... Choose from famous brands, and ensure standard taste at an affordable price.

SKU: 562 YAMASA soy sauce (0)

Price: 179.000 đ

SKU: 563 YAMASA Sushi Sashimi Soy Sauce (0)

Price: 59.900 đ

SKU: 564 Soy Sauce Sushi Sashimi KIKKOMAN (0)

Price: 86.900 đ

SKU: 565 YAMAMORI Sushi Sashimi Soy Sauce (0)

Price: 43.000 đ

SKU: 566 Chungwoo Garlic Soy Sauce (0)

Price: 135.000 đ


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