MAPLE3 offers customers pure, delicious and healthy maple water bottles, with ingredients taken from natural maple trees.

MAPLE3 is a beverage brand of maple water from Canada. MAPLE3 brings customers pure, delicious, and healthy maple water, with ingredients taken from natural maple trees in Canada and processed with modern technology. MAPLE3 is also famous for its maple water bottles with special flavors, such as chocolate maple water, strawberry maple water, mint maple water… MAPLE3 not only has pure maple water but also has many other types of drinks from maple water, such as maple tea, maple yogurt, and maple soda… to serve the diverse needs of customers. MAPLE3 always updates trends and launches new and attractive products to attract customers. MAPLE3 wants to bring customers high-quality and environmentally friendly maple water bottles. Come to MAPLE3 to experience the taste of Canada right in Vietnam!

Thương hiệu khác

SKU: 1286 Maple 3 Lime Sparkling Maple Water (0)
SKU: 1287 Maple 3 Pure Organic Maple Water (0)

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