PRIMA Cake Flour

SKU: 800 PRIMA Cake Flour (0 Ratting)

PRIMA Cake Flour is a multi-purpose flour product used to make cakes, such as muffins, muffins, etc. PRIMA pastry flour is good quality, easy to carry, crispy, and soft for the cake. Wheat flour packaging in a convenient 1kg is the perfect choice for the savvy housewife.

Product Brands: Net weight:

Price: 97.400 đ

Product desscription

PRIMA Cake Flour (flour number 8) product imported directly from Singapore. Flour makes from wheat emulsion - the softest part of the wheat grain, which does not contain harmful chemicals that affect the consumer’s health. The product is ivory white, smooth, and has a very natural and pure fragrance. When tasted, the flour has a mild, pleasant sweetness. In particular, when using flour to make cakes, the inside of the cake will become more porous, the crust will be more crispy, not broken like other cakes, and have a great scent, stimulating the taste. The product has a fantastic ability to combine with butter and sugar, forming a specifically excellent mixture. Wheat flour packaging in a convenient 1kg is a perfect option for the savvy housewife.

Ingredients Wheat Flour, Chlorine (E925).
Recommended Applications This flour uses to make a sponge cake and pound cake, banana cake, or cakes with a light, soft, and spongy texture like chiffon, muffin, sponge, or gateau. In addition, you can make bread, dumplings, etc., specifically delicious.
Basic Preparation Pour a sufficient amount of flour into a clean bowl. Then add the other ingredients in turn to make the cake.
Product Style The product is ivory white, smooth, and has a very natural and pure fragrance. When tasted, the flour has a mild, pleasant sweetness.
Cuisine European, Asian, American, and Mediterranean.
Shelf Life 12 months
Handling / Storage Preserved in a dry, cool place. Avoid direct sunlight.
Country of Origin Singapore
Dietary Preferences Suitable for vegetarians and vegans.
Allergen Information N/A
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