
Revealing how to use spices to cook better every day

Spices are the element that makes each dish unique. Depending on the taste of each family, the spices used in cooking will be varied accordingly. But not everyone knows how to use spices to make dishes more attractive in both taste and color. The following article will tell you the secrets of using spices to cook better every day.

Adjust seasoning to suit individual taste

A delicious meal not only provides enough nutrition, but the most important thing is the satisfaction of the enjoyer when it is met according to personal taste. Therefore, when cooking daily dishes for the family, you need to pay attention to the taste of other members. Some people like spicy food, some like salty, sour food,... However, eating habits or tastes can change over time and age. Especially with children and people with diseases.

For children under 3 years old, herbal seasoning (garlic powder, black pepper powder, lemon, dried onion, cumin,...) should be recommended and only salt, sugar, MSG, seeds should be used. Season with a small amount. This will make it easier for parents to adjust their baby's taste, to avoid letting them eat too salty or too light, which can affect health in the future. For people with stomach diseases, they should not eat too sour or too spicy; People with high blood pressure should avoid salty foods...

Use seasoning according to the weather

In addition to the taste factor, the weather also greatly affects the use of spices in processing. It cannot be denied that the difference in weather between the 3 regions of the North - Central - South of our country is the main cause affecting the combination of ingredients and spices. Since then, our country's culinary culture has become more and more diverse and rich, bearing the characteristics of each region.

The cold winter days in the North are ideal conditions to enjoy hot and spicy dishes. This is the way many people choose to warm up and replenish energy when the outdoor temperature is too low. In the hot summer weather, cool, light, easy-to-digest dishes are preferred. That is also the reason why boiled, stewed, and vegetable soups with a mild sour taste often appear in families' trays.

Pay attention to the temperature when seasoning

Sometimes, using the right seasoning is not sure the dish is delicious. Because many people often do not pay attention to the right time to seasoning. According to the share of professional chefs, it is necessary to rely on the temperature of the dish to season the seasoning properly. For example, when you need to season the fish sauce, soy sauce for soups, stir-fries,... should only be added when the dish is cooked and then turn off the stove immediately. For some dishes such as stews and stews, it is necessary to season them early so that during the cooking time, the intensity of the spices will be reduced.

Some notes on the use of spices every day


MSG is evaluated as a seasoning that easily transforms at high temperatures, capable of causing toxic substances to the body. Therefore, only add MSG after the stove is turned off and the food is still hot. MSG should not be added directly to food, should be dissolved in stir-fry or broth to be more secure.


Unlike MSG, seasoning can be added during the cooking process. Because if the seasoning is added after the food is cooked, the seasoning cannot dissolve and give flavor to the dish.


Salt is a common seasoning used in many dishes. To use salt more effectively, you should keep a few things in mind:

For soups: add salt when almost done cooking.

For braised, fried dishes: salt the ingredients before cooking.

For boiled dishes: when the water is boiling, add a little salt before boiling the vegetables to help them keep their greens.

With the above information, hope that readers have had more great tips to increase your cooking. With UniMall, elevate your dishes with a wide range of quality condiments from natural spices, complete seasonings, BBQ sauces to tea and dried agricultural products.