ULU HYE Hemp Mylk Base

SKU: 1009 ULU HYE Hemp Mylk Base (0 Ratting)

ULU HYE Hemp Mylk Base mixes with water, gives a light aroma, fleshy taste, and smooth texture, and is easy to drink. The product makes from hemp plant seeds, which are high in protein, healthy fats, and minerals that are beneficial for health and beauty.

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Price: 246.500 đ

Product desscription

ULU HYE Hemp Mylk Base is a vegan drink packed with minerals, healthy fats, and low calories. Ulu Hye has applied modern technology to produce condensed hemp oil milk, which is easily mixed with water to supplement daily nutrition for the body. The product is made from hemp seed oil, sunflower seed, arrowroot, and macrobiotic sea salt, ... brings a characteristic flavor and fleshy taste and can be combined with many types of grains, vanilla... to enhance the taste when enjoying. Just 2-3 tablespoons of hemp seed milk per day is enough for you to have enough energy for a day of study and work. Products distributed by UniMall from a reputable brand in Australia, certified organic according to Australian standards, customers can be completely assured of the quality and safety of their health.

Ingredients Sunflower seeds, hemp seeds, arrowroot, mesquite, MCT oil, macrobiotic sea salt.
Recommended Applications Drink instantly, hot or cold, and prepare drinks such as tea, coffee, fruit juice, smoothie, cakes, ice cream, pudding, etc.
Basic Preparation Mix 2-3 tablespoons of condensed hemp milk with water to make milk, and enjoy.
Product Style The product has a dense texture. When mixed with water, the mixture has a fleshy taste with a characteristic aroma.
Cuisine Asian, European, and North American.
Shelf Life N/A
Handling / Storage To be stored in a cool, dry place. For best results once opened, store it in the refrigerator, otherwise best consumed within 3 months.
Country of Origin Australia
Dietary Preferences The product is suitable for vegetarians, vegans.
Allergen Information The product contains hemp seeds and may contain other nuts.
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