
The effect of green tea on women you may not know

Green tea is a favorite drink because of its delicious taste, pleasant taste, and many benefits for general health. For women, green tea also has other special uses that many people may not know. Join UniMall to learn about the effects of green tea on women through the article below.

What are the benefits of green tea for women?

  • Prevent cancer

Green tea is rich in the antioxidants EGCG, EGC, ECG, and EC all of which have the potential to reduce the risk of potential cancer, especially breast and cervical cancer. These substances have the ability to work strongly to help prevent the destruction of cells in the body that can lead to cancer and many other dangerous diseases. Not only that, but many studies also show that green tea polyphenols are also known for their ability to kill and prevent the growth of cancer cells. Just 3 cups of green tea a day can help reduce the risk of cancer in women.

  • Effective weight loss effect

Green tea has a very good effect on weight loss thanks to polyphenols that inhibit some digestive enzymes, reducing the absorption of fat and glucose. As a result, the amount of excess fat in the body will be reduced. At the same time, the caffeine in green tea is also involved in the process of burning excess fat, reducing stress, and helping you soon get a slim body. Besides, green tea also has the effect of suppressing appetite, helping you control the amount of food entering the body effectively, especially starch and fat.

  • Improve memory

Another benefit of green tea is that it enhances memory. The EGCG substances in green tea also have a great effect in preventing plaque formation in brain cells - which causes the transmission of information to become slow and can even reduce the function of the nucleus. awake. At the same time, the tannin content from green tea can improve alertness and increase concentration in the brain. Women should use 2-3 cups of green tea a day will be very good for the brain.

  • Skin beauty support

Prevents aging: Drinking green tea every day can better prevent skin aging. The antioxidants present in green tea can prevent free radicals from damaging the body. Meanwhile, EGCG in green tea is rated as 100 times more antioxidant than vitamin C and 25 times more than vitamin E, effectively eliminating toxins to bring back the natural beauty of the skin. inside.

Effective acne treatment: Thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, green tea is considered an effective way to prevent and minimize acne on the skin. Studies show that the ingredient in green tea is EGCG - a polyphenol that has the ability to improve inflammation and the spread of acne-causing bacteria.

Improve skin whiteness: Tea can help you improve skin pigmentation, remove toxins, reduce inflammation, and increase skin elasticity. It is the abundant vitamin content in green tea, especially vitamin B that stimulates collagen production, and vitamin E plays an important role in cell regeneration.

The best time to drink green tea

  • Drink green tea in the morning

A soothing cup of green tea in the morning is a great way to start the day with alertness and energy. If caffeine helps you quickly regain alertness and focus, the L-theanine in green tea has a calming effect. The combination of these two ingredients makes green tea different from coffee. Despite containing caffeine, regular consumption of green tea does not cause negative side effects on health.

  • Drink green tea before and after every meal

Experts recommend drinking green tea 2 hours before and after a meal. This is the right time for maximum nutrient absorption while increasing iron absorption. Avoid drinking green tea with meals, because caffeine will interfere with iron absorption and inhibit digestion.

  • Drink green tea 2 hours before bed

This is one of the ways to enjoy tea very beneficial for health. Because green tea will promote metabolism, nutrients are metabolized faster and so does the process of eliminating toxins from the body. As a result, you will have a better sleep and if this is maintained regularly, your weight can be improved.

Green tea brings a lot of benefits to women. However, please note the proper and proper use of tea to avoid unwanted side effects. Please continue to follow other articles on Unimall to not miss much other useful information.

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