Planet Organic Nutmeg Powder

SKU: 361 Planet Organic Nutmeg Powder (0 Ratting)

Nutmeg powder has a warm, slightly astringent taste with a unique aroma. This exceptional combination provides a delicious and rich flavor to any plate, such as soups, stews, mashed vegetables, desserts, or cakes.

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Price: 189.900 đ

Product desscription

Planet Organic nutmeg powder is produced and packaged on modern technological lines from quality ingredients, helping to keep the delicate flavor of nutmeg. Versatile for daily cooking or tea making, and responds to all USDA and EU organic standards.

In addition to its culinary uses, nutmeg powder also has therapeutic benefits such as treating insomnia, anti-depressants, enhancing brain function, reducing muscle and joint pain, etc. Therefore, using nutmeg powder Cardamom in sufficient quantity helps to improve health every day.

Ingredients 100% nutmeg powder
Recommended Applications Often used to marinate and deodorize meats, enhance the flavor of dishes, or can be used to mix curries, five flavors, etc.
Basic Preparation To be used as marinate and season food to add flavor to the dish.
Product Style The product is in powder, gray-brown in color, with a characteristic flavor of nutmeg.
Cuisine South Asian, Middle Eastern, Southeast Asian, Middle America, South America
Shelf Life 24 months
Handling / Storage To be stored in a dry, cool place, away from direct sunshine. Close hermetically after use.
Country of Origin Australia 
Dietary Preferences All natural, gluten-free, Non- GMO. Suitable for vegetarians and vegans.
Allergen Information

None Specified

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