Product desscription
Kimchi is a symbolic traditional Korean dish. The harmonious combination of sour, spicy, salty, sweet, crunchy, and characteristic scents, promoting Kimchi has become popular all over the world. Meeting the need to add this unique flavor to dishes, UNISPICE has conducted in-depth research, with a closed-loop production process, modern technology, and launched the Kimchi Powder with typical flavor and natural color of Korean Kimchi.
Kimchi Powder is a delicate blend of natural spice blends that make up the original kimchi, such as garlic powder, onion powder, ginger powder, pickled napa cabbage blend, shiitake mushroom powder, spring onion leaves powder, etc. Not only that kimchi powder also brings many health benefits such as providing vitamins A, B, minerals calcium, iron, probiotics good for the gut and improving skin, slowing down the aging process.
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