Bob's Red Mill Old Fashioned Rolled Oats

SKU: 622 Bob's Red Mill Old Fashioned Rolled Oats (0 Ratting)

Bob's Red Mill Old Fashioned Rolled Oats, genuine and imported from the US, are produced from the world's highest quality oat cultivars. The product is USDA-certified organic. Oats are perfect for porridge, soup, dough, granola, biscuits, yogurt mix, and dried fruit.

Product Brands: Net weight:

Price: 209.900 đ

Product desscription

Bob's Red Mill Old Fashioned Rolled Oats makes from the highest quality oat seeds in the world. Delicious, nutritious cereal is the ideal choice to make breakfast to provide energy for the whole day. This type of oats will be a great way to add fiber and protein to your daily diet, especially beta-glucan fiber, which supports helpful cholesterol control and sugar control in the body.

There are many ways to cook with Bob's Red Mill Old Fashioned Rolled Oats. You can add milk to a bowl of oats, then put it in the microwave to have a bowl of oats right away. This whole grain is also suitable for making oat cookies, oat bread, or other baked goods. Alternatively, you can make delicious and nutritious granola with Bob's Red Mill's Old-fashioned Rolled Oats. Not only that, but oats are also a "natural panacea" that is extremely loved by the sister association with its effective use of keeping fit and beautiful skin. Visit UniMall and purchase genuine imported Bob's Red Mill Old Fashioned Rolled Oats to add to your daily menu.

Ingredients Organic Whole Grain Oats
Recommended Applications Use to make oat cookies, oat bread, other baked goods, granola, or mix with fresh milk or smoothies.
Basic Preparation Use to make oat cookies, oat bread, other baked goods, granola, or mix with fresh milk or smoothies.
Product Style The product is natural ivory white, with intact grooves containing germ, endosperm, and bran, medium rolled. Oats have a light taste but are very fleshy and fragrant.
Cuisine Middle Eastern and European.
Shelf Life 24 months
Handling / Storage Store in a cool, dry place. Keeps best refrigerated or frozen after opening.
Country of Origin USA
Dietary Preferences All natural,  Non-GMO, sugar-free. Suitable for vegetarians and vegans.
Allergen Information N/A
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